Where it all began

Being an avid traveller  and a typical Gemini who loves fashion and change I began toying with the idea of redesigning a handbag that  supports sustainability without compromising on style and variety. Also,a handbag  that can be that can be taken when travelling  that could be versatile enough to be used in all situations without taking up precious shopping space in my suitcase! That was the birth of Ciana.A beautiful base bag with many detachable faces or as we prefer to call them,VIBES that express your mood and are perfect for any event  any time.

My three supportive sons, Carlos, Dan and Erroll said go for it so I did. BTW They are out there promoting my bag whenever they can. Follow them on FB/Instagram or the blog on my website and no doubt you will have a few laughs.

On returning home however, sadly I found it impossible to have them made in NZ but remembered that when I was in India they had the most beautiful leather.

Then I thought of Romi, the entrepreneurial tour guide at the time. With covid he was unemployed so he happily became my man on the ground. He meets the day to day production challenges and is fastidious when doing quality control. You can also follow him on my blogs as he is a big part of Ciana. What I like to think of as a family effort.